Entering Rotaractors in My Rotary

Given the recent changes to MyRotary that now gives Rotaractors a simpler and easier interface with MyRotary, the way to update Rotaract Information has also been revised. View this video Click Here for Video and use this simple step-by-step guide Click Here for Slides to input new Rotaract member info as well as make other major edits to the information such as updating address or even terminating a member.

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Phone Strategy and Script for Promoting District Events

This tried and proven Email/Call strategy will increase your hit ratio of getting people on the phone by 3x. Try it, as prescribed, and see if you get that same result. Also included is a sample "script" for your phone call promotion of your Membership Summit (or any District Event). Best done on the front end of the campaign (8 weeks or 6 weeks ahead of the event), you can split things up by having DGs call Presidents and AGs, DGEs call PEs and DMCs call club Membership chairs.

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