Every year we gather at our Rotary Leadership Summit to refine our knowledge, to reinvigorate our friendships, and to be better prepared to lead our fellow Rotarians and Rotaractors. This year’s Summit also introduced some great Breakout Programs on key initiatives that are a focus for Rotary leaders.

Baltimore Impact Summit 2022

Baltimore Impact Summit 2022

Zones 33-34 Baltimore Post Summit Breakout videos are below
Look for the “Full Screen” icons at the lower right corner of the screen

Empowering Girls

Led by Co-Ambassadors Tina Fischlin and Dawn Rochelle, the program will focus on two programs that are both replicable and scalable. Taylor Alphin, Rotary Club of Ending Child Abuse, works closely with Nora DeSelma, President, Interact Club and Esmeralda Wernli, Interact Advisor to provide hygiene products for high school girls. The second program underscores the importance of partnering with like-minded organizations – in this case the Girl Scouts. Betsy Connell, Sr. Program Director and Cheryl Legette, COO of the Girl Scouts of Historic GA, will discuss opportunities to target not only the 4 Pillars of the Girl Scouts, but Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus. Join us to learn more about programs of impact and the resources that are available to empower girls in your community.

Human & Sex Trafficking

Hosts Dave McCleary, Amelia Stansell, and Pete Doragh bring together professionals who have worked in the trafficking area, including John Cotton Richmond, the former US Attorney and Ambassador to the Trafficking in Persons US State Department; Bill Woolf, former Director White House and DOJ for human trafficking, and Rachel Fischer, a survivor who will share her story – a story of hope. If you or your club want to get involved, join in to discuss the action plan that is being developed to address this issue across our zones.

Human & Sex Trafficking

The Environment


The Environment

Our newest Area of Focus, the environment, will be discussed by a panel hosted by Past RI President Barry Rassin. Looking at the broad spectrum of environmental issues, panelists include Rick Fox, Ambassador at Large for the Bahamas, Dr. Chris Puttock, biologist, and Danielle Brooks, apiarist. They will address rising oceans, the importance of mangrove protection and plantings, and the value of bees and the synergistic role they play in our environment.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Different perspectives, regardless of the reason, is something to be welcomed in our Rotary Clubs. Open, honest discussion can lead to understanding and understanding can lead to inclusion. This panel will focus on disabilities – what it’s like to live in a world that isn’t necessarily “designed for you”, helping others understand what that means, and normalizing conversations to learn more. Facilitated by Past RI Vice President Valarie Wafer and Chair of the Rotary International DEI Committee, she will be joined by Mark Wafer, Chair, Board of Directors, Canadian Hearing Services, Ali Ingersoll, Ms. Wheelchair America 2023, and Jeremy Opperman, Disability Consultant.


Diversity, Equity and Inclusion