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During the COVID crisis and pandemic many clubs have seen an increased level of engagement with members due to the introduction of video conferences and streaming.

As clubs begin a return to the new normal, the ability to still include a streaming option for those unable to attend meetings will add value to a member’s club experience. It will allow members, young and old, to participate in club meetings even if they are physically unable to attend for whatever reason.

Technology might even open up a new membership type for your club with virtual classifications. If anything, this could be an invaluable retention tool for those members teetering on the edge of leaving Rotary.

As a result, we would like to find out what questions you might have as you plan to make the jump to hybrid formats. We will use your responses to develop a webinar (and potentially instructional videos) on how to add streaming capabilities to your club events while engaging remote members and guests.

Also, be sure to download the Hybrid Rotary Meetings Technology Guide compiled by PDG Terry Weaver, Rotary Zone 33 ARC, with input from resources across Rotary Zones 33 and 34. This document will provide a jump start for you until the webinar is scheduled.

PDG Mike Darragh in Rotary 6970 has developed a Quick Start Guide for Hybrid Meetings that is an excellent complement to the device linked above. He also led a webinar to review and discuss tips and tricks. See below for links:

Quick Start Guide for Hybrid Meetings –

Quick Start Webinar –